Licencing Support Program

The goal of this program is to provide support with the preparation of materials for licencing applications to improve the viability and compliance of farm operations.

The primary focus of the program is to support the preparation of harmonized licencing application to the project review team comprised of DFO, Transport Canada, and the Province such as replacements and amendments to authorized infrastructure. More information on licencing applications is available from
The Province:
Transport Canada:

These applications require a substantial amount of work that the will be streamlined and simplified through this program to reduce the administrative burden and regulatory challenges faced by members. The BCSGA is available to provide direct support with the preparation of application materials which may include the following required documents:

  • Harmonized application form
  • Maps and management plans with bathymetry and proposed infrastructure
  • Photos of the tenure area and infrastructure used
  • Debris management plan
  • Seafloor inspection report
  • Upland owner considerations
  • First Nations engagement 
  • Fish and fish habitat assessment
  • Local government zoning and bylaw considerations
  • Online Transport Canada application
  • Public engagement and posting
  • Management of contaminated fisheries regulations application

To Receive Support:

This program is limited by staff capacity and the number of ongoing licencing applications being prepared. If you are interested in receiving this direct licencing support for your shellfish farm please complete the application below and send any questions to with a descriptive email header.