E & D Manufacturing Aluminum Hull Aquaculture Boat. Manufactured in 2005.
Pinkerton Flash Licenced Vessel
Length: 22 ft Breadth: 7ft 5 inches
4 crew vessel
Enclosed cabin with rudder inset windows
Single Control Station
2018 200 HP Suzuki Gas Outboard – new in 2019
and 2018 6 HP Suzuki 4 stroke – new in 2019
2 – aluminum 15 gal gas tanks
Gross Tonnage 4.99 (assigned)
Boat also includes the following
Insurance survey available upon request.
Annual maintenance performed by Breakers Marine in Port Alberni
Hull is pressure washed and cleaned.
Located mid-island.
Asking Price: $58,000
Contact 250-216-3830 or email pinkertonoyster@gmail.com for more details.