The BC shellfish industry will be an innovative, competitive economic sector that is a world leader in sustainable shellfish culture.
To advance the sustainable growth and prosperity of the BC shellfish industry in a global economy by providing leadership, communication and advocacy to members, government, the public and other stakeholders while maintaining and improving the integrity of the marine environment.
To build effective support structures and relationships among industry stakeholders.
To ensure a secure business climate that promotes greater investment and Profits.
To increase the growth and diversity of opportunities for the shellfish industry.
To ensure scientific research and technological development is industry-driven
To ensure that the BC Shellfish Growers Association will be a strong, representative industry association
Support of water quality activities, programs and advocacy
Support of the implementation of industry based Environment Management System Code of Practice
Development of o generic marketing program for BC shellfish
Consistent regulations of both the federal and provincial level
Development of on farm food safety programs for quality assurance
Support of the Centre for Shellfish Research